Easy DIY:Transform Old T-shirt to Modern Top/ Off The Shoulder Top Yassss!!!!!! I finally spoiled my old T-shirt, that i never thought could wear it in future and transformed it to a new modern top/ Off the Shoulder Top . My old T-shirt, I used to look so fat, badly shaped and it ended right where I hated it the most. I really thought I should just give it to somebody but always stopped because that was the only T-shirt I had that said "OUTFIT OF THE DAY" printed. And I really never wanted to trash it. So one fine day i thought to recycle it to a new top. And then the question was HOW???? Hmmm!!!! It was not that i didn't know anyway of doing it but there were many ways to spoil it and try. So I thought a lot and contemplated that let me do the easiest one so that I don't goof up!!! So I just placed the top on the plain wooden surface and took care that it is spread exactly like a table top. Now I made it a point that I will cut ...