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My first not-so-perFACT Blog


That's Me!!!!

Here starts the day when i decide after so much of kash-ma-kash, "Should I start Blogging, Should I open up my heart, Should I reveal some facts that are perFact???"

 My Blogging is the mixture of fashion statements, Makeup tricks, daily life, some nice cafeterias and some questions that I could never get answer of?

Its sunday morning and after finishing the morning drill, I am here on my Lappy (wanna buy a new Apple desktop) thought to start my fingers exercise a bit!!! 
Let this be a little towards my personal life first. After a mother of a darling naughty son, I feel that I need more... More in life, more in my personality...So i keep experimenting something new with my looks, my social networking, my work( oh yea, I have my makeup studio at home as i mentioned I am a homemaker too). So you can say I am living my social relations in my dreamland. 

What i wanna blog is to what i wanna tell the world and what i cannot tell the world?  
How philosophical am i today :)

I am gonna discuss about some social pressure a girl goes through in fashion! Here i go.... (Don't Stop me)

1. "I wanna be fairer than my friends."
Why??? Someone tell me why a girl needs to be fair? Haven't you seen Deepika Padukone, Bipasha Basu Grover, Malaika Arora Khan, Me???? ;)
A complexion doesn't define your beauty at all, Trust me!! (Beware when a boy says this..TRUST ME) hehehehe...
Infact, the flaws on our face we are born with are less visible on Olive skin. A small pimple shows off a lot on that fair skin. DO NOT BUY A FOUNDATION OR POWDER THAT MAKES YOU FAIR... Buy the one that matches your jaw color and not your arms. If you do, it will surely show you a shade fairer. Try it...and lemme know.....

2. "What BRAND bag you carry tonight's party?"
Helloooooo...Bagwati lovers!!! Buy a Brand that speaks your personality and not the leftover SALE counters of those pocket tearing expensive Brand name. By buying the expensive bags and shoes, you might be feeling content socially but what about your heart that was stuck on an awesome sling bag that was not so expensive than your friend's friend?? Lolz.... Every expensive bag is not what your style needs. So i would suggest keep it mixed. The joy of moving around casually in market is much more than carrying a YSL to your grocery store... Lmao..

3. "I use only MAC Products"
 If you use only MAC products then all the other brands are dying to show you different complimenting results. Seriously girl, Loreal and Maybelline products never fail to surprise me. I dont say i dislike MAc but i use the best of all the drugstore and High end Brands. It keeps my wallet moderately heavy and keeps me in vogue too. ;) 

4. "I should starve even if i don't reveal it on the name of Dieting."
Girls, you need to eat healthy and little before your regular meal times. Thats all is what a healthy Diet is. Just cut down slowly slowly on your fried and sweets. Just don't stop it suddenly. It will deteriorate your face glow immediately. So chill... you can fit into that Zara top after few months also and look glowy too.

5. "I need to aim for at least 100 likes on my social media, that proves its a good pic."
No!! No!!! No!!! Your social site likes don't decide the goodness of your style and beauty of the pic. Its the LIVE comments and your inner self that tells you, It was worth spending on that Zara top or H&M dress. 

I feel the list goes on n on but i dont wanna make a journal on my first blog. 
Will keep you updated about my choice of style and Makeup looks in my forthcoming Blogs. Till then.... Stay stylish and different!!! 

MUA Deepti says MUA--- :*


  1. Was very interesting...kept me hooked till the end..Delhi girl you r multi and mighty talented.

    1. Oh darling. I m glad u liked it. I hope my forthcoming blogs catch u till the end too. XOXO

    2. They will... Iam so sure of you

  2. Hi, you're so pretty. Welcome to blogging world. 😊 I'm new to blogging too. Some people are just so good at makeup, but not me, lol. I never put makeup on. There are so many tutorials about it but I just don't have the confidence to give it a try, haha. Oh well.

    Waiting for your next update 🙂

    1. Oh ok!!! Then I should welcome you too XOXO. N makeup is nothing but confidence. Just you need to learn it correctly. So I am sure my forthcoming blogs should get you close to makeup.

  3. I missed succha beautiful post mam :) today after long time on my weekend I found time to read your blog....and lemme tell you this made my day :) you have written each and everything so beautifully ;) great ;) looking forward to more such posts :)

  4. I missed succha beautiful post mam :) today after long time on my weekend I found time to read your blog....and lemme tell you this made my day :) you have written each and everything so beautifully ;) great ;) looking forward to more such posts :)

    1. Thats very sweet of you Rita... I will soon upload my next blog. Hope you like it too. n do subscribe.... Thanks

  5. lovely.....i am really ur true follower awaiting for ur posts... n nw this blogpost.... ty for posting....

    1. That's such a warm appreciation. Thank you Suman.


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